July 4, 1963
Cigarettes, her Chevy, and the open road.
Driving fast, down County Line Road.
Oh, the sunlight on chrome.
Out of town, windows down breezes in her hair
The radio, coming through like a visionary
She sang along, right out loud
For all the world to hear,
In Harmony...
Now he was cool, she'd be a fool to let him get away.
Pretty soon they settled down, a mortgage to pay.
She never thought he'd turn on her
She didn't see his rage
Carefree when they met
Now the nightmare's set.
But there were children at her feet,
sweet children at her feet.
So she stayed, stayed and prayed
Carrying the load, on and on and on
She was longing for the road
But then a bloody sunset
Black eye night
And lying there broken
She reached her turning point
Living with the now and thens
And the way back whens.
Driving on September roads
And slowing round the bends.
Now she has a lover,
Now she has a friend...