Story Behind the Song
Cavers don't really have an anthem. They may not take this as their anthem, but as anthems go this one is easy to memorize.
Well I'm an interior cowboy
Riding the range below
Rope em up
And slide and down
And see just where she goes.
I like em long and dark, and deep and moist,
with passages that grows,
Cuz I'm an interior cowboy,
riding the range below.
Well it's Friday night and I'm feeling right
I'm calling all my friends
Planning on going caving so deep
We just might get the bends
And if you don't like it,
well that's all right Jack,
Were just some Interior Cowboys
Looking for a little crack.
Ohhh ohhhh.
Well you know that I cave softley,
And you know that I cave clean,
I got a lot of deep dark secrets,
About the places I have been.
Good caving's like good loving,
You never kiss and tell,
and if you do, your gonna go to caving...
From the caverns of Kentucky
To the Guadalupe's halls
And the Lava Tubes of the Great Northwest.
To California's Marble walls.
I've been caving USA, and the only thing that I can say,
Is I wish they all could be West Virginia Caves.