Story Behind the Song
Written at a very important time in a 20 year old's life.
Find myself, victim of circumstance in better health, seeming it's all too good to be.
Sliding my way straight into a better day, healing coming as it may, got me feeling to the ceiling screaming stay, stay, stay
Feel my way around
To the better side of town
Slip into the sound
Never come down.
Endless climb, seeming like a pantomime, never got my piece of mind, just time time time.
Past instilled me, feeling of insanity, meaningless oh can it be?
I wonder who did this to me.
Old man tired and cold lays dying in his bed
Young man compromises in all that he has said
Though I'm sure they forgive me, know I live in dread, of these and a million other visions swim in poison in my head, instead