Story Behind the Song
I think it is self-explanatory!
Legoland in Suburbia
Legoland … Suburbia (3 times)
Legoland is suburbia
A place where they tear down trees
and name streets after them,
Where we pay our taxes
so Richard Court can build a five million dollar bell tower –
a fucking monument to himself,
a phallic fucking symbol for a pretentious four-eyed fucking git.
Bigger fish:
Like a dead man staring at me
and asking why I put him on TV –
Why is he dead for being black?
Like I said, bigger fish.
Like bodies in a river,
Thousands of bodies in a river, thousands.
Bigger fish:
Like, why does money ruin everything?
I would like to ask Juan Antonio Samaranch that one.
Like I said, bigger fish.
And just what did happen to the Waltons?
at least we could laugh at them, if nothing else.
I can’t laugh at a dead man on TV,
OR .. BODIES .. IN .. A .. RIVER!
So it gets harder to understand
why things are really getting worse
when they appear to be getting better.
Like, why is my local pub
serving overpriced imported beer?
And why are all the bar staff
young, barely dressed, blonde females?
And why has Germaine Greer come out of retirement
if things are so much better now?
And why are the young so vacant?
Didn’t we learn anything from LSD?
Acid, yeah man, acid is back in fashion…
if you can afford it.
And if you can’t, you just get more vacant
and less enlightened.. UNTIL .. YOU .. DIE!
Vacant smiles:
No-one knows the end product anymore.
Hell, we could all be making Atomic bombs,
But we wouldn’t know it, no siree:
“Just tighten that screw, weld that join,
add another piece of that gunk there, Jim-Bob;
and hide that plutonium when the inspector comes around.”
Because we all know those inspectors are spies, anyway.
Inspector – spy – inspector – spy
And they all have bigger fish to fry, anyway.
Bigger fish:
FUCK! … Soon there’ll be no bigger fish
If we don’t stop dumping our shit in the ocean
And cutting down the trees
And pumping noxious crap into the air.
And we’re doing it all with vacant fucking smiles
So we can build our own .. grown-up … version .. of .. LEGOLAND!
Open your eyes, people
It’s OK to criticise, people
Look around you, people
Do things confound you, people?
Then confront you local Member of Parliament
Ask difficult questions
And demand direct answers
After all that is what they are there for
Our taxes pay their salaries
And if you’re not satisfied with the answers
Don’t be afraid to break the law if that is what it takes
Your conscience is more legitimate than any arbitrary rules
Lock-on to a bulldozer if a Tuart forest is about to go under its blade.
Demand an environmentally friendly tidal power station
Don’t let politics dictate that gas is ‘better’
It’s fucking not!
You have the power to control your own destiny
I have the power to control my own destiny
WE have the power to control our own destinies.
The power is in your voice
The power is in my voice
The power is in OUR voices.
So stand up and be heard, people
Open your eyes, people
It’s OK to criticise, people
Look around you, people
Are you living in Legoland?