Story Behind the Song
The song was written acapella... The beat is eminems role model song.. we made this because we want to feel like we are doing something.. but we arent.. i am tho, look out for taskilla..
(task:)so if any mother fucker wants to try and act insane.. ill enslave you to my rhyme and you can die in shackled chains.. my fried and scrambled brain, still brings it max with payne.. i spit a rhyme tonight and tomorrow youll laugh for days.. my track'll blaze the hottest emcee, and turn his ashes gray, task'll spray the burna... at a rapid rate like vandals paint so stand away.. or get mauled like fashion place. i cant wait to amputate with man made granite blades.. decapitate your drugged head as blood shed evaporates. nuff' said, you get jacked just like the jack of spades. but you really cant debate, this song aint shitty.. or youll get cast away like tom hanks fishing.. on banks sitting yet he hasnt had a catch for days, my drastic fate comes at will call.. kill all like tragic plays..
Our purpose? It aint pleasing you.. Ya beefin' duke? with the Dank Season Crew?
Shits worthless.. Bitch this cliques' style's fantastic, quick to fuck up emcees like six vials of acid..
(ob1:)when i spit my shit, its crisp and clear.. thats about the time emcees dissappear.. or take a couple of steps so they can listen here.. looking in the eyes of the devil as im kissing fear..
Bitch, im the destruction of your nucleus, and mother fuck your ceaser salad cause im pissin in your orange julius. and there aint no confusion in illusionists like thinking your dead but only loosing piss, cause in your head you see me noosing kids.. while im sippin juice & gin, i cruise a benz and take an eighth of halucenogens.. i beat spiritual people and gank jesus too, there's no lyrical equal to dank season crew..
(tek:)kids fibbin, talkin bout guns & they flossin.. where your bitches at?? time to come out the closet.. No ones heard of this kid, all his words are just fibs, my tongue disperses, curses, and murderous shit. I cut left and slash right, before you grab the mic you should decide if your ass is black or white. To all the people who think im dumb as can be, i smoke pot, drop flows, & got your mom on her knees. FUCK YOU.. if you think my ass is a joke, claim i do crack & the dope, i just laugh & i smoke.. im the last one to go, so when i spit this, this bitch is over with, bend you over quick and beat you with a broken stick..
(task:)when i grab the mic a flash of light will blind my foes.. surrounded by a pack of knights to snatch your ice that glows.. disperse the worst of curses in the face of whom oppose, he was hoping i was joking but he got a broken nose..
cause im the Swift Silent Samurai.. a master of disguise.. lyrical slice, hit ya twice because im faster then your eyes.. dissappear quick like mirror tricks and climb trees bark.. leave you stuck up on the wall with my chineese stars.. watch where your lookin kid, or youll get caught in they eye. you almost got away but ropes, dropped from the sky.. How ya like it now? We strike ya, POW! when me and my crew come sliding down.. slice ya chest, foot to breast, im the theif that took your breath.. lookin left you see me coming, running with the book of death. sword slice your right leg and with my foot i swoop the left.. on the ground i pound your face with sounds of clashing metal. but keep the scene serine like a silent grassy meadow.. im not scared of you.. im missing fear and the fright..
Show up to tear your crew and dissappear in the night..