Story Behind the Song
A diatribe of rantings and ravings from the Serial Killer "MEAT GOAT" in a Industrial Rock Opera Hammered out with Double Fisted Power
It was X-mas eve she laid solemnly, on my beds a knife, I thought of rest and I had no idea she was dead. When the morning came, I sat in disdain, I put the gun to my head. Then suddenly a spell came to me, If I couldn’t have her alive, I'd have her Undead. I raised a chalice of blood, I cursed the name of God, recite the Rights of Cain, to open her eyes. Cut with affamay so mote it be awakened shrieking.
In the Garden Room the shadows danced I took her by the hand she'd do my bidding on demand. My Lovely Wife wilted and tortured My selfish needs took precedence. Death Angel on your Knees, do what I please. So Lovely, Sex With Pestilence. Make Love in a crypt it’s a necrophiliac relationship. This is what love should be.
My wife she's rotting away, get my lovely. I love to watch the skin fall off the bone. She needs more blood, I feed her children their purity washes away her sin. We travel only at night heed the morning light, Undead Ambassadors of the Damned. Feeding on the world my little blue lipped girl, oh hike your dress up and expose your skin, feeding only on children, the sweetest flesh, My Wife glows with their last caress. No more pain in our hearts we live forever, Forever Undead. I thought Life without her would be torture but things are much better now she's DEAD