Story Behind the Song
What was the motivation for the song? Lust.
What do the lyrics mean? Let's do it.
Where was the song written? San Francisco.
How long did it take to write it? 3-4 hours
How long to record? 3-4 hours
How many takes? 3 or 4
The Storm and The Feast
ă2003 Michael Strasser
There’s a storm coming; the atmosphere is charged
My senses are heightened, here in your yard
Oh, let’s go inside before we get wet
And I’ll ravage this banquet you so carefully set.
No, there were no invitations sent in the mail
All that money for postage, it went towards my bail
And the judge, she agreed to my release
When I told her I was the sole attendant to your feast
Oh, baby. Oh, baby.
Perhaps it was unkind of me to violate your trust
In the rigors of love’s discipline
A man does what he must
So come over here, my darling; and yes, I’m talking to you
And let’s listen to the thunder; One hundred-one, one hundred-two
Oh, the storm is upon us like some beast off its leash
And it howls and it growls, “Oh, finish this feast”
Oh, baby. Oh, baby.