Sleeping pills, frequent sighs,
tempting blades and lifeless eyes,
Mark the depths from which I rise,
Sleeping at night and a healthy appetite
Are worth more than a room full of gold,
When I arise I’m glad to be alive,
oh what a year this has been,
The water from my eyes not longer testifies,
to a lack of life inside,
Now I know it’s true, now I know it’s true,
That not all smiles are fake,
Like a flashlight shining bright
for a lost necklace at night, you lit my inside,
And now the struggles seem one-millionth
of what used to be there size,
I felt a beckoning, I felt a beckoning,
there’s hope it’s not meant to be this bad,
Life abundantly my son, life abundantly my son,
for this is why I shed my blood.