Story Behind the Song
Have you ever been to England? When I was there I noticed the Brittish all seem crazy and later I understood why: they all act as if they still had an Empire, but in fact they are practically a third world nation themselves these days. Their language, culture, their very manner of speeking is all based on profiting from the subjugation of people with dark skin and feeling superior to EVERYONE. Unfortunately for them they are now dirt poor. Aren't we the new Empire?
Hey What Ho, I've some things on my mind
Would that it weren't so hard to find
A man like myself in these days of post war
I was the rightous one in days of yore.
The white man's burden, I'm so happy to say
Was the news that I spread, t'was the solid way
India, China, I hit the third world scene
With a sword in my hand and a golden gleam
Chorus. Rape those savages.
Slave Girl Break:
And the slave girls sing,
Slave girls: He's an Empire Man
Empire Man: I'm an Empire Man
Slave girls: He's an Empire Man
Empire Man: I'm an Empire Man
There's who say that I'm all wet
That upon the Empire the sun now sets
That the estates are empty, the lawns have gone wild
That croquet's just a game to teach to a child
Say what you will, you know I just won't agree
Though England's in ruins and all the darkies are free
In the words of Burtie Wooster, which I here quote with glee,
"I mean to say, what, rather, you know, absolutely!"
Slave girl Break.
The American Cowboy (symbol of the New Empire): Giddyup l'il missy.