hey fear, im plenty scared but there is nothing left to haunt me, im giving up the war, no longer trying, hey girls, youll never feel my eyes im done with looking, dont waste your time with me, im not worth fucking, and blue, you made the skies and coast so very, oooooh... the eyes of girls say "you are nothing"... and me, a child a little boy, but twice as cunning, ive found that time and space are not worth filling... im done with execution, watch out for girl pollution... hey god, create for me a gift of lips worth kissing, and better yet, a life, a life worth living... hey truth, ive found you out and your best friend is lying, he says its for the best and not to tell you... and moon, youve shared the night with stars and only you, brought better days to ends... bad nights just begun, and me, the tale of which is told with harsh sarcasm, a laugh is good but a tear is real emotion... im done with execution, failure, watch out for girl pollution, they come they take... hey time, if i ever seized the day id be forever, and summer nights, and petty fights, and xmas lights and holiday sights will bring memories, and sing lullabys and dream, i lay awake and no more you, never...