Story Behind the Song
The first verse of this song is about not being able to find perfect grace, hope and faith in this world. Each is represented by three ficticious women whom, we understand, have been in an unsuccessful relationship with the writer. (I've actually never dated anyone by any of those names, but you get the point). It tells of the fact that they each didn't live up to their names. Because of that, the writer had problems trusting true grace, hope and faith.
The pre-chorus of the song is a personal pep talk to "break through" the self-constructed barriers in his life. He tries to assert the fact that he will no longer listen to where the world is telling him he 'should' go.
The second verse of this song talks about the state of life, state of mind, and the state of the writer's future. I'm sure you'll pick up on similar applications as the first verse.
The chorus of the song talks about Jesus of Nazareth. It is directly related to a vision the writer had of Jesus on one knee in an pose of acceptance. It talks about him being more beautiful than the women he had tried so hard to fill his need for perfect grace, hope and faith. And then speaks of Jesus Christ's promise to meet those needs.
The bridge: I hope this is self-explanatory. It's about the choice to follow Jesus.
This music for this song took 1 year to perfect. The lyrics came completely seperately from the song. The lyrics only took 30 minutes to write.
Here I go
By Chris Kalgren
Verse 1:
Grace let me down hard, and me and Hope couldn’t get far
And Faith, she was unfaithful
Failure after failure, I lost grace, I lost hope
And couldn’t place my faith in you
Verse 2:
Life is gettin’ harder, should be gettin’ smarter
But I feel more blind than ever
Moment after moment, I lose life, I lose thought
And sight of what is true
Let’s break through some these walls and
Start to bust up this routine
I’m tired a bein’ told where to go by
People more blind than me
But I remember when you came shining through
More beautiful than any woman I’d ever seen
And you promised to always be true
Be my best friend and forever stand by me
Dang my heart just left its hole
It followed You and brought my soul
And You said, “Here I am!” And I said, “Here I go!”