Story Behind the Song
A song inspired by the birth and death of my our Savior, Jesus Christ.
Born to Die
Between darkness and light, neither heaven nor hell,
In the likeness of our father, on this earth we did dwell.
Pleasures and sin, God’s rules we disobeyed,
Demanding yet fair, for our sins we must pay.
Condemned by our actions, convicted by our pride,
Damnation was our sentence, from His justice we’d not hide.
A price to exact for free will gone astray,
The bounty determined on that first Christmas day.
He was Born to Die, born to cry, born for pain and born to save.
He was nailed to a cross and heaven’s way was paved,
He was Born to die, born to rise, born to reign, and born to lead,
Nailed to the cross my soul he has freed,
His death was the key to paradise’s door.
Naked in a barn lay the ransom for our souls,
Born of a virgin, fulfilled prophesies of old
Helpless as a baby, human form he must take,
Innocent and perfect, no knowledge of His fate.
In just three decades He’d die as payment in kind,
The atrocities of man on His soul did reside.
What today seems so strange, His one life for ours,
With one priceless gift we’re given paradise not bars.
His life for yours, His soul for mine
The King of earth for His servants he died.
He was Born to Die, born to cry, born for pain and born to save.
He was nailed to a cross and heaven’s way was paved,
He was Born to die, born to rise, born to reign, and born to lead,
Nailed to the cross my soul he has freed,
His death was the key to paradise’s door.