“Dyin’ To Live” Words & Music by Danny Ward
Holy Father, I’m tellin’ everyone I see, just what Your Son did for me.
How He laid it all on the line, when He hung upon that tree.
How He rose up from the dead to set the people free.
Then He bid me follow Him, but left that choice up to me.
I was falling. He was calling.
I was falling. He was calling.
When I was lonely, (When I was lonely) He was waitin’ here for me.
I serve Him only and not for a season.
He is the reason (He is the reason) that I’m dyn’ to live.
If you’re out on the path I followed
You noticed life can me be mean
Should I go on this way, Should I go on that way?
Should I go it his way, my way their way?
Should I go in between?
In this world it’s so dimly lit things are seldom what they seem.
When you come to a cross in the road you can come along with me.
I was falling. He was calling.
I was falling. He was calling.
If you are lonely, (If you are lonely) He’s waitin’ here for you.
Just serve Him only and not for a season.
He is the reason, (He is the reason) That I’m dyn’ to live.
Dying to live
Dying to live
I am dying to live.
I’m not livin’ to die!