Vai-yik-ra ei-lav mal-ach A-do-nai min-ha-sha-ma-yim, (2X)
Vai-yo-mer, “Av-ra-ham, Av-ra-ham”, (2X)
If I called out to Y/you would Y/you answer me,
And would I answer Y/you.
As the children of Abraham face each (the) new day
Will we answer, “Hi-ne-ni” or turn away?
Vai-yo-mer, “Hi-ne-ni”. (4X)
(Hebrew text: The Akedah, Genesis, Chpt. XXII, v. 11 - And the angel of the Lord called unto him out of heaven, and said, “Abraham, Abraham.” And he said, “Here am I.”; English text: Rick Calvert)