Story Behind the Song
This upbeat altra-funky song, written shorty prior to its recording, is one of the many highlights of Random's newest CD. Feel free to shout "Hey!" along with the song.
Red blood sheds Light
read books shed live
gray thoughts, daily news
great minds ashdance to the trash-stew cruise
White out renew
white hair Lao Tzu
blue remove, face force
nitro sugar heartraces death haste course
Red, gray, white, blue,
I've got stars on my shoes.
Pink, orange, green, brown,
I can walk around the town.
Pink hearts undersize
fantasize come alive
black room, sullen bed
comatose rollin over influenza dead
Green grass lifts up
my feet lone strut
brown rut, love deep
draining when it must but it fills when it can keep