Story Behind the Song
This is a smooth jazz song whose lyrics are based on the Bible verses found in the Book of Romans, chapter 12. The verses, chorus and bridge maintain consistency through the use of innovative chord technique performed on an Ibanez Artstar semi-hollow jazz guitar.
Verse 1:
Brethren, I beseech you, by the mercies of God; that you offer up your bodies as a living sacrifice.
Living sacrifice, living sacrifice, living sacrifice, living sacrifice.
Verse 2:
Holy and acceptable, it’s your worship unto God. Be not like this world now: but be transformed by God. Be a living sacrifice, living sacrifice, living sacrifice, living sacrifice.
Let your mind be renewed; fill it with the Word, holy Word of God. Let His mind be in you, it's the good and perfect, holy will of God. He whose mind stays on You, keeps in perfect peace for he trusts in You. And He will see you through; His everlasting strength, mercy and truth.
Verse 3:
When you suffer, get mistreated, when you're losing the fight. Lift your hands up and surrender; you're a living sacrifice.
You’re a living sacrifice, living sacrifice, living sacrifice, living sacrifice. (I’m gonna make myself a) living sacrifice, living sacrifice, living sacrifice, living sacrifice. (Goin’ to the altar as a) living sacrifice, living sacrifice, living sacrfice, living sacrifice!