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The opening cut on Emily's CD - Drop a Spark. |
CD: Emily Laudeman - Drop a Spark
Label: Indie
Credits: Words and Music by Mark Laudeman |
Story Behind the Song
The song was inspired by an anonymous message board posting that reads as follows . . "Romans 12:2 is a great verse, and I totally believe every word of it. But to not be conformed to the world does not mean that we should be outside of it. This is a touchy subject, and we can probably find tons of verses to support both being different from the world and being IN the world as salt and light. And scripture is to interpret scripture -- that is, when we have a confusing issue we're to look to more scripture to find clarification. The best way we can clarify this problem is to look to JESUS' example. Jesus was a radical. He hung out with all the sinners and the society outcasts. All the people who would make us Christians look bad by association. The church leaders of his era, and most regular folks too, I imagine, looked at him and were disgusted by his associations. How could a rabbi do such a thing? Isn't a man of God supposed to be different? Isn't he supposed to avoid the appearance of evil? But that's not how Jesus was. Jesus was a friend of sinners. Jesus had his best buddies picked from those bunch of outcasts. One of his best friends was a prostitute (gee, I wonder what people thought about that one). Jesus was totally immersed and surrounded by people and situations that would probably be frowned upon by us church-going types today. But it was okay. Because he combined all of the principles we see in the Bible now. He was IN the world, but not OF it. He lived the Great Commission. But at the same time, he was different. He didn't sin. He lived His life at a higher level and was a witness in everything he did. He wasn't conformed to the world, even though he definitely was in the world."
Sometimes I feel like a stranger
Sometimes it's hard to go with the grain
I’m anything but ordinary
Out here walkin’ my faith
In this world, not of this world
Is what I’m called to be
Lord, I’m gonna trust in You
Help me live what I believe
Show me the difference
Stand me strong
Draw me the boundaries
Of right from wrong
‘Cause the only thing that matters
In everything I do
Is that I give it all to You
You never said it was easy
Breaking ties with the status quo
But in parting words You promised
You’d never leave me here on my own
Point my heart in Your direction
Lord, change the way I see
You supply the courage
As I let go and let You lead
Repeat Chorus
Make me like salt of the earth
Show me how I can serve
I’m learning to be only Yours
Repeat Chorus
I give it all to You, give it all to You [repeated]
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