My Time (Remix) of It’s My Time
Lyrics by Trecinda Payne
Rap Lyrics by Johnny Baptist
It’s my time in the Lord
To lean on his Word, yeah
I‘m gonna lift my hands, yeah
I’m gonna take a stand.
The time is now, it’s up to you
When you’re faced with a test
Tell me, what will you do
The victory is ours, I am assured
The battle’s not ours, it belongs to the Lord
It’s my time, yeah, yeah
I’m gonna take a stand
I’m gonna lift my hands, yeah
It’s my time in the Lord, yeah
It’s my time
I’m gonna lean of his word, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
I’m gonna take a stand, yeah
RAP (Johnny Baptist)
You see you got this treasure in a jar of clay
And I’m ready to share it with the world today
Let me tell you the source of my success
I’m going to spell it out J-E-S-U-S
It’s been a long time coming
Trusting in the son and giving me the
Faith, the strength to keep running
Running for the hundred ninety-nine won’t do
Giving God the glory after every break through,
You wanna be blessed, this is what you should do,
Be obedient and wait till God move,
Cause when God makes moves, no one can deny it
Pouring His blessings down from Mount Zion
I am trying to give you the scoop
The set time for favor, has been approved
Now move, give Him praise on this grove
For the work that the Lord is about to do
It’s your time.
My time ------ (Chorus)
I’m gonna lift my hands ---- (Chorus)