Story Behind the Song
I(Brad)wrote this song during a road trip to Venus Beach, California. I had sold everything that I owned, except my hot red double bass Yamaha Recording Series Drum Set.
I had even sold my 84' Black Corvette with custom factory chrome wheels. So as the song goes, I was rising up from the highway in my new truck loaded with my drums, and the words came to me.
Verse (ONE)
Rising up from the highway, climbing over the land.
It's a new found horizon, it's a new breed of man.
Not long forgotten, by the troubadour.
There's just one way to go, to get it all and more.
Head west young man. Make the best and understand.
Take a shot, the best you've got.
And head west young man.
Verse (TWO)
Now looking back, it's what I had to do.
We all expect, the same from you.
Just pack your bags, and hit the road.
Go find your dreams, or you'll never know.
Head West, Young Man, Head West
Or you'll never know........