Story Behind the Song
This is my first true rap. At first it was the "Hey Mr. Po-Po, come over here" chorus part, and the rest of the lyrics developed from that. It was written in good 'ol high school (including during English class). At first I was kinda singin' it monotone but then decided to go with the more melodic, dynamic flow.
I was cruisin' down
walkin' 'round
a section of the city
city L.A. and tonight it's lookin' pretty
on the other side o' the street was a stray little kitty
In about half an hour
the sun'll be a risin'
a horizon ball of beauty
behind the clock tower
I looked to my left,
saw gangsta types shady
and off to my right walked a pretty young lady
I thought maybe just maybe
I should walk her home
escort her so safely out of this here battle zone
To make a long story shorter
she let me walk beside her
and she said she felt much safer
with a nice guy there to guide her.
And the sky, it gradually grew lighter.
Look at the sunshine rise over there
I'll protect you little lady
for your safety I care
We walked and we walked.
And we talked while we walked.
We made little small talk
on our little long walk.
And while having conversation
on her upcoming vacation,
all of a sudden,
a memory came a floodin'
Sun rising
night fading
day coming
forgot something
Oh no!
I forgot to go
to the airport.
You see I failed to remember
to pick up a family member
and to the little lady story I did spill
about my obligation that I had failed to fulfill
But I couldn't leave her there
in the middle of nowhere.
What to do, to do, to do
my mind thought fast
What to do, to do, to do
A po-po walked past
Hey Mr. Po-Po, come over here
protect the little lady,
she'll have nothing to fear
And I'm sorry girl, but I must be on my way,
I'm sure that Mr. Po-Po can take care of you today.