Story Behind the Song
I was riding home from work on my scooter, freestylin' like a habbit of mine as words enter my mind get fliped arraged and entwined.... hahaha well anyways A line got caught in my head- "Jesus is winning the race, cause he's Racin to WIN" and then when i sat down to write, this is what came out-
After the Fall... GOD saved us ALL/After the Fall we were sinning and destined to CRAWL/After the Fall CHRIST came and paid for our sins/He died so that Men might be Born Again.
Jesus s winnin the race, cause he's racin to win/erasin the sin, that unsaved hide within
where do i begin, as i start to spin/a web of a picture for this world to take in/i hear of people, once claimed committed, commiting adultry/with no mind of pain or consequences, no attention paid closely/and other folks that I've seen, claim to be christians/yet the lives that they lead, lead to contradictions/they are loving hate, instead of haters/and darkness instead of light/loving immediate gratification
instead of whats HOLY and right/they're no longer representin/being precious in his sight/DUAL lifestyles, rightous by day,
yet theyre sinning at night.
IT isnt right that these Christians lost their eyes for purity/no longer representing who they are, children of diety/some children of light, forget of lifes struggles
and when it comes get taken in the rush and out of the huddle/but like it says in Romans chapter 5 verse 3,/rejoyce in your struggles cause it leads to continuity/continuity or perserverence, helps build character, and character hope/and as you know, that hope never fails/it never failing like FAITH
faith in his un-ending GRACE/cause faith is the shield that holds us strong in our place./because of his grace, i have my past swept clean/people try to bring it up, but for GOD it's unseen/we got to forgive ourselves, live worthy of the call/live for the KING of KINGs who saved us after the fall.