If I took a trip to heaven/What would I see/
I'd see Jesus at God's right hand/ Crowns laid at His feet/And all the saints and the angels sing/Glory, honor, power and praise/ Every tongue,every tribe confess/worthy is the lamb who was slain
If I took a trip to heaven/If I left the earth a while/ I'd rejoice in God's presence/ And return with a smile/ And everyone I'd meet would wonder/ Why my face did shine/ With joy I would tell them/ It's the light of Christ
In heaven there is no need for the sun or the stars or the moon. In heaven in the new Jerusalem, He's making all things new
I often think of heaven/ It's where my treasure lies/ no more pain, no more death, no more crying/ wipe every tear from my eyes.
Then I grieve for the world now, lost in darkness, His bride/ But she refuses the wedding gown/ afraid to stepinto the light
Chorus + In heaven there is no day or night/ just the brilliance of the truth/ in heaven, God's glory is its light/ and He is coming soon
Would you walk the streets of gold with me
Toward the throne of grace
We will find the sweetest mercy,
In the Lord's dwelling place