In the city of David, better known as Bethlehem
There is a star, brightly shining above the town.
Guiding wise and learned gentlemen, bearing gifts from afar,
to honor Him,
the long awaited Christ, the child.
So sing hallelujah, praise the Lord,
for unto us this day was born;
a blessed redeemer, a true morning star,
so let the whole world know,
how the Father who loved us so much,
that He sent to us His son,
His only son.
Now in the same region, there were shepherds keeping watch,
o'er their flocks, by the light of that evening star;
When an angel stood before them, and the glory of the Lord was all abound, and they shared the news of joy.
And a multitude of angels sang,
"Praise the Lord."
For unto you this day is born;
A blessed redeemer, a true morningstar;
So let the whole world know,
how the Father, who loved you so much,
that He sent to you His son,
His only son.
@ Copyright 2002 Strengthened By Grace Ministries/(BMI)/All Rights Reserved. Used by Permission