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A triumphant whistling song first recorded and released on warped 7 inch vinyl in 1985 by legendary aquatic psychedelic rock pranksters FRANK FISH AND THE FINS - this completely new version, recorded in 2002 at Rooftop Studio in Oxford, finds Nige and Trev (aka Frank Fish & Mick 'Stickle' Clack) straying away from their usual unnerving soup obsessed, 'naked-dalek-nightmare' style to tackle this foot tappin' FF and the Fs classic. IS it alternative country? Hmmm...Nige and Trev's long suffering neighbours wish they'd move to an alternative country as soon as possible and take those lurchers with them!
CD: Stamp Out M-M-M-Madness in the Air - NIGE & TREV (and their Life-size Working Model of the Planet Earth)
Label: Rooftop Records (Oxford UK)
Credits: Mick Clack/Frank fish |
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