Story Behind the Song
After over eight years of singing with a gospel ensemble (winners of the McDonald's GospelFest at the Shrine Theatre), I've been lead to writing songs of praise - this one just sort of ended up as a Spiritual. It seemed to hold more power as an acapella, so I rearranged it & left it that way. This one reflects a very personal journey & testimony for me, and I truly feel that I was guided to make it exactly like it is.
“I Thank God For Jesus Every Day”
words and music by Joel-Steven
all rights reserved
I’m a sinner I was born that way.
And I have walked with the dead,
and let myself be led astray.
Then I was met by the savior
Who said, “Change your behavior,
And search out your sin and decay.”
Now, I thank God for Jesus every day.
Now I’m grateful I give thanks every day.
Since I’ve been blessed by the Lord,
then I can afford to pay.
And I would confess my transgressions,
give up my possessions,
Or just lift my hands up and say,
That I thank God for Jesus every day.
Oooooooohhh - Ooooooooohh -
And all will be fulfilled If I do your will,
And pray that I won’t lose my way.
And, I’ll thank God for Jesus every day.
For it’s Jesus who makes me feel this way.
And now that I’ve heard, I’ll follow His word & obey.
So that when I have stumbled,
I’m instantly humbled,
And I fall to my knees and pray.
And I’ll thank God for Jesus every day.
Yes, I thank God for Jesus every day.