Story Behind the Song
I was in a relationship where my girlfriend didn't realise what we had together, so I decided to write this song to bring some understanding to her and myself. I wrote the song while i was staying at Lake Tahoe. I was in a cafe that had a piano and I just sat down, started ot play some chords and freestyled the whole song there and then. After I finished singing I could only remeber one line, but it all came back to Me a few days later.I now have a producer who took my ideas and turned it into a great song.
Why did you leave me out in the cold
When I gave it all for you
I opened up my soul
How quickly you dismissed me, to my dismay
I had all the pieces in Me, but no you to play
All I needed from You girl, was to meet Me halfway
But I guess it was you fears, that drove You away
Where did that person go, I just don't see
How could You do it baby, You said loved Me
Baby I now see
That You don't see Me
It was all there in front of You
Now I know We can't be
Baby now i see
It was all there in front of You
Now i Know We can't be
You only saw it girl, when i pushed You away
But by that point in time, it had just come too late
So now it's time to say, farewell butterfly
We could have been everything. it was there in Your eyes
For a moment of time
Leave a question in space
When paths once crossed
Now left without a trace
Signs lead to somewhere
For right now We don't see
Set in antisipation
Of things to be