Story Behind the Song
DJ Crono ain't no fluke. He's certainly bringing a unique contribution to the world of game remixes, and whether you dig 'em or not, there's gotta be props on some level for trying something new + different. When I first heard his stuff with the FF6 mix from awhile back, I have to admit that initially I was doubtful, but I found myself really enjoying it. I was bummed to find out that the vocals were all samples, but then he turned around and with this and his previous mix did his own vocals. And they're good. This Wild Arms ReMix is every bit as strong musically (which is always the key, eh?) as his previous mixes, has a nice spanish beat / hip-hop sound to it, and is mixed very cleanly. Lyrics are again good stuff, and while this track could subsist on its own without vocals, they add greatly to it, but still don't overpower the excellent variety of lead synth, ambient pads, strings, a nice short blip synth, guitar, and swell-stabs. There's also some expertly placed vocal samples like "you want the mic back, gimme the mic back" and great vocal processing throughout. Just great stuff, and perhaps a notch better than Jovette's previous efforts, this is some fantastic news for Wild Arms fans, DJ Crono fans, and OCR fans in general. Fresh stuff, highly recommended.
- djpretzel
Amarillo Azul
Otra historia de amor
hoy se ha vuelto a escribir
DJ Crono en la casa....
Dove L'Amore, Dove L'Amore,
Give it to me, give it to me,
Non c'e' nessuno, Non c'e' nessuno
Bello come te e i amo.
El Baile de los Perros y los Gatos
Suspirabas en mi oído amor inmortal
caíste la trampa sin saber que era fatal
tus ideales se rompieron cual frágil cristal
no sabías que el amor es el deseo carnal
Amarillo Azul
Amarillo azul, a media luz,
voy pintando de colores tus besos.
Amarillo azul, a cara o cruz,
cuando el diablo tiene cara de ángel.
DJ Crono
The feelings that we have for each other my love, are immortal,
And the sins we possess, without any test, can be fatal,
The ideas, in my soul, are fragile, like a crystal,
I don't know...where...Do I belong.
Viva la, viva la, viva la DJ Crono.
Jovette Rivera finale especial...............