Story Behind the Song
One of the two slow songs of the forthcoming studio cd "Through Time And Space". Taken from a live set in Padova, Italy. The song has much harmony and grace, but at the same time a martial pace thanks to heavy drumming. The lyrics are really to be read while listening to the song, as they are part of the whole atmosphere. It took long in writing and perfecting.
When you are looking in the deepest dark
And the mind creates illusions that feed
The horror from which they were born
When you are in a flat world of yours
Where icy puffs of fog
Darken the only light, and abuse it
Close your futile eyes and listen.
If silence is the only and unreal presence
And its noise is an obsession,
Or the deafening roar of the chaos you created
Fills your soul with a useless cacophony
Cover your ears and smell.
If the world is not smelling,
Like tap water or sunray,
Or the stench of your death
Reaches your nostrils, dreadful prophecy,
Don't breathe and walk.
If invisible chains bind your body,
Bounds of an unjust jailing
Or maybe you can move
But the world wraps in endless corridors,
Then stop, and therefore,
Without seeing, hearing, breathing, moving,
Look inside yourself for an answer
The whole universe can't give