Story Behind the Song
The feeling you get when you have the right love in your life,This song was written in my studio,in one day (09-8-99)
Being with out you in my life
Your love takes me higher,than Iv'e ever been before, you give me the greatest feeling, like I never had before.
When I'm with you I feel so happy inside,
I never could imagine being with out you in my life.
The first time that I saw you,I knew that you was the one, to make my life so happy, to be my one and only one.
When I feel your love ,I feel so happy inside, I never could imagine being with out you in my life.
I know it can't be any better,cause it's the best for sure, the greatest love has been given ,and I know it's for sure.
When I'm with you I feel so happy inside,I never could imagine being with out you in my life.