Story Behind the Song
The use of art to promote social justice is very important to me, but I’m often disappointed by how many artists accuse everyone but themselves of causing social problems. As a result, I was careful to include the 3rd, 2nd, and 1st person in this song. I tried to blend the harshness of the words with sweet, simple music to highlight the hypocrisy with which we often live.
Steven’s in dotcoms
He is working all day long
Day and night, day and night
Working for machines
Debbie splices genes
She can make your blue eyes green
Day and night, day and night
Always at the lab
Steven’s kids are sad
‘Cause they never see their dad
Day or night, day or night
He is never home
Debbie’s fiancé
Has affairs three times a day
Day or night, day or night
She is playing God
Do we have our priorities right
Do we wake up screaming in the
Middle of the night asking why
What are we doing
We might know what it takes to survive
But do we know what it means to be alive
Tell me why
What are we doing
You sell shotguns here
AK-47 gear
Never fear, never fear
It is all legit
Then one day you spy
Trigger-happies driving by
Shoot ‘em up, shoot ‘em up
Everyone is dead
How’d your gun get here
It’s legit this isn’t fair
You were just, you were just
Trying to pay the bills
Do you have your priorities right
Do you wake up screaming in the
Middle of the night asking why
What are you doing
You might know what it takes to survive
But do you know what it means to be alive
Tell me why
What are you doing
I’m in sporting gear
Shirts and shorts and shoes to wear
Cheaper yet, cheaper yet
It is all on sale
I am proud I pay
Workers just a buck a day
Look at these, look at these
Profit margins now
Do I have my priorities right
‘Cause I wake up screaming in the
Middle of the night asking why
What am I doing
I might know what it takes to survive
But do I know what it means to be alive
Tell me why
What am I doing