Story Behind the Song
The song is about my “grass is always greener” mentality and, unlike most of my other songs, takes the 3rd person.
As she walks down the road with a smile on her lips
She releases her bag from those swaggering hips
And she picks up the pace as she’s coming to grips
With her choice
All through her head run the voices of doubt
And try as she might she cannot get them out
But she’s been there before, knows what this is about
All too well
It’s not the first time she’s run this routine
With all the practice she’s had at this scheme
She just know, that she’ll go
Run away, little girl, far away from this place
Run away, little girl, try to find a better space
In this complicated life that you just can’t face
Hope you capture what you chase
She doesn’t know when she’ll get to a phone
All she knows is she’ll never go home
Her life is good, she should leave it alone
But she won’t
‘Cause she would go to the ends of the earth
Just to see that it’s nothing but dirt
That’s her way, take your way
Run away, little girl, far away from this place
Run away, little girl, try to find a better space
In this complicated life that you just can’t face
Disappear without a trace
May you go in God’s good grace