You see it was real to me, and there was this chalk and it was all drawn around my baseball ring. They swiftly hit me and I swear man, they'd never miss me. The kids would keep laughing while I was crying. The pitch would totally undo me, and it would make my lips so sticky. Just feast on your
mincemeat because the pie is me. I have to say that those guys would do that every day. They ruined everything. Now here I am 10 years later finding the same thing happening. I don't mean to point fingers, but it was them. And it was you. You ruined everything. Break my pitch, break your fall. You see, it hurts so much more than we'll ever know. Broken nose, fifth pitch in a row. You said it and you meant it. Jerseys on with bats held high. You can bleed me right on down to that plate and I'll never die. Sticks and stones, protruding bones. You bludgeoned, and I splashed it. Oh, coach I don't know how much more I can absorb. Should I call a nurse or will you go ahead and close the door? No please, I'm pleading with you, just leave it open. I want this more than
anything, even if I drown in my own blood! Do you want to know why? It's to change one life, and to make one mother cry, to give a little self-confidence to just one little guy. Dad, all we have to do is go back into the car because I'm ready to go now. I want to play guitar. And mom, do you remember the fresh roses you gave to me to take on the bus? Well, I got so scared and my thumb slipped. Then I was cut. I can feel it at every stoplight, a fear of what awaits at the venue tonight. Subtle stabs and hints of murder plunge. Wounded body, pulp to elbow, saturated sponge. Yeah, I can take it from you. I wake up every morning and I know my breath is not wasted on some hopeless, hateful, and passing generation. You see, I've rid my mouth of the contempt that I've long since tasted. I've moved on, I've found new steps and then I've retraced them. I've moved on.