Last night we had a confrontation, a two heart stand off situation and it got bad You said you couldn't live like this no more so I packed my bags and headed for the door, and it was sad. But a funny thing happened while on my way to good bye, the memories of are good love flash before my eyes.
And my knees got weak when I went to walk away, my eyes began to water and I started to shake, I couldn't turn the key to start up the engine my heart was full of apprehension, I had every intention a gettin out of town,, oh but leavin aint as easy as it sounds.
Suddenly my mind when back to the first time , you said you'd love me for a life time, you had no doubt we can't let a little aggravation keep us from our destination,, we gotta work things out, I can't imagine a day with out you by my side, I love you so I couldn't go even when I tried.