Story Behind the Song
A tragic, yet humurous look at a broken relationship and anagrams.
Friday night I watch wwf, and eat my fish sticks by myself and I think about the tlc thats awol, sit around in my bvd's pour me up a big ole glass of cc and try not to feel so sol,
the last time I saw her she was climbin in the cab of a gmc, she said two little words and then spun gravel all over me, I could tell you the whole story, but that would take to long, my baby she's mia and thats short for gone.
Saturday I go shoot a little pool, down at the vfw and let this heart breakin memory try an rip, I go home and fire up aol put out an apb for a redneck gal about five foot three her eyes are green if you see her email me asap
Its a long drawn out story and this is a three minute song, my baby she's mia and that short for gone
thats short for gone
and thats short for gone