Story Behind the Song
This is a song filled with things that have crossed my mind and I know that every true saint of God has had to deal with these pressures in some way or another. Let us meditate together so that we can help everyone to overcome these excuses to live a life headed toward hell.
Why did I have to go back out for more?
When I knew sin was always knocking at my door
Why did I have to go back out for more?
When Jesus got what um looking for
Kind a messed, the way I back stab my own self
For a little wealth, greed was the first to come up off the shelf
I got nasty, cause past be creepin on me slowly
And for all those who know me, I could never play the phony
So I sin, to get the peer pressure off my mental
I don’t wonna hide my pride and look like um simple
Or Forrest Gump, or chump that sreamin save me
Couldn’t behave Gee, my mind was going crazy
I curse my friends, and play the round the way lover
Didn’t trust another, not even my mother, I think she’s undercover
Watch me cry, from the pain, you brought to surface
I jab first, before you try to treat me like um worthless
And then my purpose becomes crossed by good intentions
I‘ve got ta mention; sin and death occupy the same dimensions
The pit of hell, where um goin if I don’t turn away
But um turn back again, now my conscious about to play
Why did I have to go back out for more?
When I knew sin was always knocking at my door
Why did I have to go back out for more?
When Jesus got what um looking for
I don’t understand, it’s just a small sin, I can’t be troubled
I little white lie, don’t try to treat me like it’s doubled
And what’s a little sex before I marry her
Its not like um a run away from this you know Ill carry her
And what’s one song about guns when I love the lord
He understands I gotta pay my bills or um out the door
So what’s the big idea, I pay all my taxes,
So just relax, its not like um out pullin jacks
And what’s wrong with smoking blunts I never kill
You know the deal; um about celebrate my record deal
I call my son later; he’ll understand my story
I know I don’t take care of him, but his mother know me
I gotta life to live, and not much time to give
I can’t love anymore it’s my prerogative
So don’t approach me with what you think um doin lately
I’ll come around when um ready, and you can’t make me
Why did I have to go back out for more?
When I knew sin was always knocking at my door
Why did I have to go back out for more?
When Jesus got what um looking for
Why you run my life, um nearly grown, I need some
I never curse you, why can’t I have girls inside my room
Um not an overeater, vomit up, they’ll never notice
I can get an abortion, babies gone like hocus pokus
Lord you’re my focus I just need my masturbation
My wife don’t love me that’s my cause of adulteration
My kids are crazy, I pay bills and they don’t listen
Do as I say, not as I do, but did I mention
I’ll pay it back, what’s wrong with takin from my self
I need to steal from rich if I wonna gain a little wealth
Why did I have to go back out for more?
When I knew sin was always knocking at my door
Why did I have to go back out for more?
When Jesus got what um looking for