Story Behind the Song
Now, of course, I really love vegetables, listen to end of the song and it will be revealed.
Please don't talk about tomatoes, don't feed me no green beans
Don't even think about potatoes, or a plate of black-eyed peas
When all I want to put in my mouth is something that's sweet
So please don't feed me anything that tastes like stinky feet
Please don't talk about pickles, don't feed me no lima beans
Don't even think about cauliflour, or a plate of bloody beets
When all I want to put in my mouth is something that's sweet
So please don't feed me anything that tastes like stinky feet
Please don't talk about spinach, don't feed me no zucchini.
Don't even think about eggplant, or a plate of broccoli
When all I want to put in my mouth is something that's sweet
So please don't feed me anything that tastes like stinky feet
Please don't talk about carrots, don't feed me no brussel sprouts
Don't even think about mushrooms, or a plate of sour krout
When all I want to put in my mouth is something that's sweet
So please don't feed me anything that tastes like stinky feet
I'm so picky and I don't like anything
Just give me an Oreo cookie and a bowl of vanilla ice cream
I'm so picky when it comes to chocolate cake
Just give me a Zinger and a Twinkie and a bowl of Frostred Flakes
And one day I gave vegetable a try
As I put them in my mouth, I could not believe my eyes
Now I eat them every day and you know they're not that bad
Five servings every day, they're the best you ever had