Story Behind the Song
I was doing homework and thoughts were flooding my mind...I had to write the words down and I couldn't stop. 10 minutes later I had a rough draft of this song. We recorded the song in 1 take!
support reality
and i still remember the cold decembers
the many deaths, i thoguth my life was such a mess
it was the ultimate test
i needed God's help, didn't realize my pain was nothing to what he felt
i learned how to live and take what was dealt
i learned how to handle disasters and watch my step
thankfully i didn't contribute to the deaths
cause God was there, God instilled a care
and i too learned life is not fair
life at times was too much to bare
flash back to 98:
14 yrs of age
times so overwhelming...too much to take
became so full of rage and hate
here i was tryin to define life
cause everoyne i knew was dropping out
dyin' now, i'm left wonder why and how.
where was the support then?
everyday was uncertain
tryin to stay happy but nothin what workin
where was the support?
how could i not answer back and retort!?
but see, there was a plan set forth by the lord
when everythign was so torn, i wondered why i was born
i became so numb to death, it was hard to mourn.
i remember my greatgrandfathers funeral
we paid our respects as they like to say
seeing a family memeber for the last day
then it was time to leave, time to eat,
my hunger was so strong;
drained so badly, i could barely carry on
and we could have left,
but on the way out, we looked to our left:
the daughter was there, nobody thought she cared
she hadn't visited him in the last three years
i still remember seeing her tears
yet my dad and i did what was right
showed support to her. she was all alone
everyone thought her abondonment was so wrong
and to this day i still dont know why she did it
but i saw her regrets, she clearly admitted it...
but w/ no words:
in her eyes i saw how much death can hurt
nobody had to speak
have u ever seen, a woman of age seventy?
w/ a face of complete defeat?
once so strong, now so weak
and at this time, my maturity peaked
my pain and hunger was pushed aside
even though i dind't know her, i was on her side
what i felt was incomparable to what she felt
how childish they were: she was the one needing help
too bad she deserted her dad,
cause now she just lost the last thing she had.
forget punishing her by ignoring her
further abonding her would be murdering her
i would probably never see her again
but i felt i owed somethign to her and him.
leaving a grown woman in pity would be a sin.
feeling what she felt, i could only imagine
i invisioned being in her position
and i could sense what she was wishin'
that she could rewind time and live what she was missin
i saw her in eyes that she wished that she was the one to die
she too questioned why.
how childish it is to try to define life
best summed up: it's a constant fight
and at these times:
such raw emotions, no commotion
just sobbing, thoughts, and memories
everyone shows up, even your enemies
reality check, let down your fake identity
and yes, i too visited three funerals of the strongest men
but i'm glad God let it happened,
b/c i got a glimpse of what life is:
and i'll be back in this situation again
but the best i can do until then
is to enjoy life w/ my family and friends.
life is beautiful, even when you don't win
learn how to be content w/ the way your life went
and be careful w/ the time you spend
cause today could be over, today could be the end