Story Behind the Song
This song is a modern-day re-telling of the parable of the wayward son found in Luke 15:11-31. The main message is that we have no life outside of Christ, and that by turning to Him we can know true joy and forgiveness.
I asked for my inheritance.
I have a few plans of my own.
I hear the call of city life,
And I think I need to go.
I'll buy myself a fancy car
And surround myself with friends.
I'll drink their wine and spend my time
On the next experience.
I've made up my mind, gonna have my way.
So save your speeches for another day.
My bags are packed, and I'm ready to go,
And it's a long way home.
A long way home.
A long way home.
It's better than I dreamt it'd be,
And my friends are truly great!
The good times start at happy hour,
And they go 'til really late.
It costs more than I thought it would
Which is causing me to think.
The only time I'm popular
Is when I buy the drinks.
I've made up my mind, gonna have my way.
I ignore my worries and just seize the day.
I'm in a crowd and feeling all alone,
And it's a long way home.
A long way home.
A long way home.
The money and my friends are gone,
And I was desperate for a job.
The only guy who'd hire me
Has got me feeding hogs.
My selfishness has broken me.
I can't believe how far I fell.
I have sinned against a Holy God.
I deserve to be in Hell.
I've made up my mind, gonna change my way.
I will bear my debt, every sin I'll pay.
My journey begins at the side of the road,
And it's a long way home.
A long way home.
A long way home.
I stumble through the kitchen door,
And much to my surprise.
My father is just sitting there
Tears falling from his eyes.
Instead of telling me to leave,
He begins to kiss my face.
I am no longer a prodigal
But a son restored by GRACE!
I've made up my mind, and I'm here to stay.
Now I know that Jesus is the only way.
I spend my days by his mighty throne,
And I've found my home.
Found my home.
Found my home.