作詞 ShiAB
作曲、編曲、歌 ShinBand
E.Guitar M_Club
A.Guitar ShinBand
いくつの頃だったかな 私が初めて怒られた日
何をした日だったかな とても楽しかった日々
今も後になれば 思い出になるでしょう
いくつになれば 何が出来るだろう
いくつになれば 悲しさは消えるだろう
そんな日々を送って 私は生きてる
時を重ねれば 大人になるでしょう
時を重ねると 昔を忘れるでしょう
きっと私はずっと そう忘れない
初めての事だったかな 何もかも新鮮に感じられ
誰もが私を見つめて 私も皆を見つめてた
見えた時は何もかもが 思い出になるでしょう
いくつになれば 何が出来るだろう
いくつになれば 許してくれるだろう
私の罪はきっと 許されはしない
時を重ねれば 大人になるでしょう
時を重ねると 昔は忘れるでしょう
きっと私はずっと そう忘れない
words : ShiAB
composer : ShinBand
Arrangement : ShinBand
vo. : ShinBand
E.Guitar : M_Club
A.Guitar : ShinBand
Probably, it was having got angry with me for the first time at the time of what years old. Probably, it was the day with which it got angry by what reason. They are still very pleasant days then. However, if now comes, it is only the recollections of the young past. I was immersed in the moment of nostalgic recollections, when I was young. Now, it will become good recollections. If I become what years old, what can I do? If it becomes what years old, does my sadness disappear? Such days are spent. I am alive. It will grow up, if a time is piled up. He will forget ancient times, if a time is piled up. Probably I will not forget this forever. Was it the first for me? Everything might be felt fresh. It is that everyone was gazing at me. And it was that I was able to gaze at everybody similarly. It was the very glad recollections. It was the delightful moment which can run to everybody's basis. Everything will become recollections when all can be seen.