Story Behind the Song
This was a song I wrote one day when I learned that a friend of mine had moved away without telling me; all the way to Michigan, in fact. That got me thinking about how sad it was that friends and family are always splitting up, inevitably, as a part of life, and the song sort of flowed out of that meditation. Incidentally, this was one of the hardest songs to record on my album; we had to go through it twice because the first arrangement was fatally flawed. So y'all better enjoy it!
You never seemed quite real, you seemed to
Come out of the night
But such a golden light seemed to come from you
I wrote out all my jokes and you reviewed and started to laugh
And the sound sent such a quiver like it used to
When will I see your face again?
Last time we met you laughed and said
“When the cows come in”
I heard you moved to Michigan
Another friend comes tumbling down like another bowling pin
Well, some go down to Texas, some go walking with the Lord
Some go charging down to foreign lands with upraised shield and sword
Some will fly to Paris, France and walk the streets of Rome
And I wonder now, how many will come home
Well I first left my hometown when I was 17 years old
I went to Jersey, where it’s cold, and the devils rule the land
I’ve flown across the ocean and I’ve met a lot of souls
I have seen them wander, from above, across the burning sands
But I’ve never been to a place where I am free
Sometimes I wonder if such a place is just the stuff of dreams
So I’ll stop by a church on the way and I will kneel
And I’ll pray I find a place where all the dreams are really real
Well, there’s a God in heaven and he gathers all the kids
Like a great old babysitter in the sky
And I’m still walking down below and the journey hasn’t ended
But I know things will be mended, even after I have died
We will walk together, though we are alone
And the flimsy bonds between us will last longer than the stone
And beyond that hill there’s still a promised land
Where the angels shout, kick the devils out,
And we’ll feel his mighty hand