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    "PART TIME LOVER"genre: Punk
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    Raw punk garage tune (guitar, piano, bass, drum) with sultry yet schizophrenic, electric vocal and harmonies.
    Credits: Written by James Durso. Vocals and Piano: James Durso. Bass: Robert Turely. Guitar: Miquel Matues

    Story Behind the Song
    Part Time Lover
    By James Durso

    Durso’s “Part Time Lover" sounds like Prince meets Iggy Pop meets Billy Idol. It’s melodic, aggressive flow shows off James Durso’s knack for songwriting and harmonic abilities. Lyrics like, “I stand before you with blood on my face, you better listen to the things I say, my love for you is more than you can re-pay” demonstrate Durso’s demand for sexual affection and gratification. The three part harmony in the chorus gives the listener a big slab of meat to hook into. “Part time lover let me in, Tell me I am more than just a friend,” makes the song’s character and perspective on love multi-dimensional. Its message concerns the challenge of transforming obsessive, adolescent love into an adult understanding of sexual energies and relationships.

    Durso’s androgynous voice is confident and emotional, serving as a perfect foil to Broadway singer Shannon Bailey’s (Greece) siren-like vocals. Their combined efforts create a powerful, volcanic climax that will leave you mesmerized by its melody all day.

    By James Durso

    I just want to hear the angels sing.
    I think its time you answer me.
    I've been trying hard to earn my wings.
    But falling stones keep getting in my way.
    Part time lover let me in.
    Tell me i am more than just a friend.
    When we get high we feel like kin.
    Part time lover let me in.
    I stand before you with blood on my face.
    You better listen to the things I say.
    My love for you is more than you can re-pay.
    And when the cold wind blows
    along the little highway
    Part time lover let me in.
    Tell me I am more than just a friend.
    When we get high we feel like kin.
    Part time love let me in.
    I'm gonna be the lucky one baby,
    I'm gonna be the lucky one.
    What are we waiting for?
    Whey don't we move it
    What is my life all for?
    Why don't you give me a sign?
    I got to break through heaven's doors
    Just-to-see the light.
    And then he ask me what its for?
    I'll be on my own for the last time.
    When you hear me knockin let me in.
    I was only trying to understand.
    Can you remember way back when
    Love was only trying to let you in?

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