Mankind as a whole in union pay the toll.
Their cities fight each other.
One man kills his brother.
You want a revolution?
We’re in a revolution. Now I ask you,
“Please do you have a solution?
”You want goods, I want goods.
But at the cost of a thousand brotherhoods?
You’ve heard the words of solidarity.
You’ve felt the touch of workmen’s charity.
Yet when your fight is won,
behold the same damnable parody.
I have no answers . No magical solutions.
Nor have I procured some newfangled constitution.
All I can offer is the same old fight for rights.
The desire for freedom, the birth of revolution.
This is our ecstasy, our golden illusion.
War of the masses, through the deception of classes.
Sure all is in conflict.
Was it not conflict itself from which sprang creation?
And so man built the Nazi nation.
Thus exaggerating my point all the way to damnation.
This forced the nations to join and fight.
To free the themselves from Nazi plight.
Yet in their victory it is clearly shown.
The same seeds of evil and O how they’ve grown.
So still we suffer the same malediction.
Our once just stature has lost it’s rapture.
Again I call to you, take up your arms.
Join with your brothers, sound the alarms.
We’ll fight the war that never ends.
A war eternal to reap and rend.
So let the blood be on my hands.
The lives of the masses from a thousand lands.
I give them war, revolution, the one true constitution.
So in the love of freedom we’ll always fight.
Thus all sides shall achieve their rights.
And our blood, but a sacrament of a million delights.