Story Behind the Song
“When love and sex are one” get ready to dance. In GET ON DOWN. Durso lets his lover know who’s boss. He proclaims “Get on down, get on now, tomorrows just another day, I wanna touch your body in the middle of the day.” Sexual and sensual, it reads like a classical film where the actors kiss and the scene fades to black, allowing the viewers to imagine the sexual encounter. Durso’s vocal range swoons from lows to highs creating a hypnotic melody.
By Jimmy Durso
When love and sex are one,
Let go, hold on.
I know you’re the only one.
Get on now, get on down.
Come on ya’ll get on down.
Tomorrows just another day.
I wanna touch your body
In the middle of the day.
I see it in the rising sun.
It burns me down from inside out
Every time I love you darling.
You break me down,
You bring me on out.
Come on ya’ll get on down.
Tomorrows just another day.
I wanna touch your body
In the middle of the day.
And when I get on down
To the bedroom, down on the floor
I am a man, I am a man.
I’ll keep you coming on back for more.
I know you’re the only one.
Don’t let me down, love me right now.
I’m gonna be your number one.
Don’t break me down,
Lay me on out.
I am a man, I am a man.
Tomorrows just another day.
I wanna touch your body
In the middle of the day.
Like my mama told me,
“Your love is like water getting me wet.”
I’m gonna be your number one.
I’m gonna be your number one.