Story Behind the Song
Motivation for this song is living a teenage life, meeting all those self absorbed people who don't care how they treat you.
I think the lyrics are pretty self explanitory.
Friends leaving you, not caring, etc.
It took about an hour to write lyrics, music was made after lyrics.
Recorded on a 5 track recorder so quality is not as great as it could be.
It's a mental breakdown,
but you don't seem to care,
about my mental breakdown,
I was always there for you,
but what else could I do,
about my mental breakdown,
You're so selfish, always complaining,
about things you should not take for granted,
you're a bitch, and you know it,
you only care about yourself, and no-one else,
and I ask myself why,
am I ignoring the fact that I should leave you,
It's a mental breakdown,
but you don't seem to care,
about my mental breakdown,
I was always there for you,
but what else could I do,
about my mental breakdown,
You just sit there planning,
new ways to hurt me,
you say it's my fault that I feel this way,
maybe it is, but I don't feel ashamed,
the way you look at me, makes me feel so pathetic,
I'm insecure, don't you get it?
It's a mental breakdown,
but you don't seem to care,
about my mental breakdown,
I was always there for you,
but what else could I do,
about my mental breakdown,
It's a mental breakdown,
but you don't seem to care,
about my mental breakdown,
I was always there for you,
but what else could I do,
about my mental breakdown,
Mental Breadown (x4)