Story Behind the Song
One track of backing guitar (single take), a single track of vocals (single take) and a tiny little overdubbed solo part. The song was written in 2002, from an ages-old idea. The recording and producing was done Mar 22 2003, over the course of a couple of hours.
Records, tapes and videos,
Lay fallen 'cross the desk.
CDs scattered, tattered, battered -
Haphazard, upped and left.
I feel a touching out,
And I reach for something I can't hold.
I long to burn, like everyone,
But I could never be that cold.
Pencils, pens and paper books,
It's written on the wall.
Something's wasted, tasted, pasted -
You traced it through us all.
Pictures, stamps and envelopes,
Some letters never sent.
Boxes packed, racked, stacked -
You laughed as you went.
(rpt chorus)
Plastic bags and till receipts,
Where did the cash come from?
Credit used, abused, confused -
'Guess the blues have been and gone.