Story Behind the Song
There's nothing in this world more important for me to do
and for me to make you understand that there's so little hope
i see unless we stop and realize that our ways need a rest
our minds need a way to end all this pain,and we need to cry
yes cry,that is the first we do when we are born and the last thing we
should do before we die,THAT is my mission in life,it was given to me
to complete with this here melody,in which i played and cried without
words for a long time,we all need to do this i dont care how weak
or strong you think you are,they say men dont cry,and is the other
way around,we do nothing but cry,we feel the sorrow and our conscience makes us become better human beings I DID,that was one of the firstpainful lessons i learned in life,see, when i was a child with my little body full of red marks from my fathers leather belt,i believe i was 5 but then me laying there teary eyed that same evil man sat next to me
and with one action and three words made it all better10times over
he said "IM sorry son" HE PADDED MY HEAD,AND THEN HE CRIED,yes cried, that is what we all need to do,when we aproach a child,any child if we dont do anything else,we show that angel our love and caring when we cry,some people in the media,like DR.LAURA,have a way with words to make you cry,and dont believe that baffoon,HOWARD STERN, when he tries to make fun of people who
cry,because he does it two, in the PRIVATE PARTS of his world,when he thinks of his daugthers e two, by his lonesome,cries,see crying is the way our minds and our conscience come together and lets us know we are not made of brick wall we need to become better humans,who would it thought that on thatseptember morning, aside from the ones that got out alive the lucky ones on those towers would be the ones that in one second died the rest that stayed there debaand them some with ther godly nature went on to make a difference,yes they did,in me and in everyone else in the free world and even doethey also died,so before you go and do whatever you are going to do in the next second,stop the car,CRY YES GO AHEAD,CRY..the end .