Story Behind the Song
6 weeks to record and mix. The motivation, where and how this song was written has to be asked to the author. Send questions to the author to
Vem ca meu anjo; me da um beijo,
Me tira dessa dor!
Vem ca meu santo; purifica, encanta
Meu coracao de luz.
Nao e possivel viver a vida
De uma mulher sem amor!
Mas vem depressa que eu to sofrendo a bessa!
Socorro! Socorro, meu amor! Socorro!
Quase ninguem vive com quem ama; ta todo mundo atras da grana, atras da fama!
Mais parece um filme de terror!
Ta todo mundo naquela do horror! E eu grito: Socorro! Socorro, meu amor! Socorro!
(english translation):
Come here, my angel; give me a kiss
Take me away from this pain;
Come here my saint; purify and enchant my heart with light.
It's not possible to live a woman's life without a love.
So please come quickly, 'cause I'm suffering too much... Help! Help, my love, Help!
Almost nobody lives with whom he loves;
Everyone's after fame and fortune.
It seems more like a terror movie;
Everyone in a horror mood... and I cry: Help!
Help, my love!! Help!!