Story Behind the Song
My Father told me that the great power of the wind was the inspiration of this story.
I've climbed the highest mountains,
through the frozen northern lands.
I've crossed the burning deserts,
through shifting drifting sands.
I whisper through the valleys,
my playground is the sea.
The mightiest fierce tornado,
got it's birth from me.
In Winter time I'm hated,
I'm loved on a Summer day.
I can gently cool the fevered brow,
and drive the heat away.
Uproot the ancient Oak Trees,
and tear great buildings down,
pick them up so tenderly,
then crash them to the ground.
I can blast the largest boulders
and turn them into sand
then push the lovely sailboats,
back to the shore again.
I'm loved by everybody.
I'm every creatures friend.
I'm the child of Mother Nature,
I am, The Wind!
© Doyle R Quinn I 1977