Story Behind the Song
See above
Took two days to write, about three hours to record in 8 takes.
Say a Prayer for Me
Thomas Hendley
How long did it take the snow to melt this year?
It was still on the ground the morning that I left.
Are the girls okay, are they doing well in school.
Are you okay? It's hard for me to rest.
At night the planes fly constantly,
The hills are lined with the enemy,
The earth shakes with rumbling war machines.
I lie here patiently,
Deal with my humanity,
What this all means, how all this will end,
So when you think of me, say a prayer for me, say a prayer for me.
We move supplies and train most of the time,
In a city of canvas, camouflage and dusty air.
I don't know how you do all you do.
Don’t worry about me, just take good care.
I don't think this is goodbye, but the rumor says we’re about to rise up
And take this field by storm.
If this letter is the last you hear from me, tell the girls I love them as much as I love you, and I love you more than anything, more than anything.
© 2003 Thomas Hendley