Story Behind the Song
We believe that Bush is nothing other than a coldblooded killer, and should be considered as such if he decides to kill even more innocent people this spring.
However, we are NOT fans of terrorist acts or Saddam Hussein
Kill Bush
Are you listening to this I guess you are a person who would like that justice should be served? And believe that the cowboy and Indian time should be a thing of the past? Well, one bloodthirsty cowboy remain…George W Bush, a long lost relative to Attila The Hun!
Winelife has the honour to present this message in order to preserve world peace:
YO!!!! E-V-E-R-Y-B-O-D-Y!!!!!
There´s someone we should kill
But unlike him, not for the thrill
He´s a shooter, bomber, madman a KILLER
((sakte))That´s K I L L E R, ((fort))that’s what you are
Shoot the motherfucker, help us please,
Make all this warfare seize!
Last time round, only one year ago,
He killed one million people or so.
And people ask why is there violence…fuck it..
There´s a massmurder loose, grab your guns,
Lock up your door and protect your young un´s.
Let´s prepare our self, or he´ll surely kill us all,
Help us please, make this man fall!
Kill him, kill him, kill him, kill b-u-s-h
Kill him, kill him, kill him, kill b-u-s-h
I saw him last night on TV,
He wanted to kill the Iraqie.
“Howdy America, god damn..I need some fucking money,
let´s go get us some oil…send the cavalry to kill those bloody arabs!”
How the fuck could he get this job,
I´d rather trust mailman Bob,
Join the millions we´re becoming,
And join us singing:
Kill him, kill him, kill him, kill b-u-s-h
Kill him, kill him, kill him, kill b-u-s-h
Kill him, kill him, kill him, kill b-u-s-h
Kill him, kill him, kill him, kill b-u-s-h
This is:
T-baG and mouSEX-pert
Saving Mother Earth